Trademark registration

Keep control of your own products and brand name by registering your trademark in China

China’s trademark registration office operates on a first-come, first-served basis. It does not matter to the Chinese office whether the party registering the brand name is also the legal owner of the trademark. This has created a gray market where brands in China are registered and sold on a large scale after successful registration. When you do business with China, it is important that you manage your own brand. In case you do not own your own brand in China, this could have legal consequences for your business and lead to a delay or cancellation of deliveries. The Dutch Chinese Chamber of Commerce can help you register your brand name, members can request a preliminary investigation free of charge.

When to register your trademark?

It is important to register your trademark as soon as possible when doing business in China. Although you may have registered your trademark in Europe, this is unfortunately no guarantee that your trademark is still free in China. You are at risk of brand theft when you visibly trade with China, for example on stock exchanges.

When a logo or brand name is registered with the Chinese office, it takes one month for brand protection to take effect. It then takes three to eighteen months until the entire procedure is completed. You will usually receive a message between the sixth and twelfth month after registration if the registration is rejected.

Preliminary investigation of trademark registration

€99,00* excl. VAT

Logo / Trade Name Registration

€499,99* excl. VAT

*Member/Sponsor discounts apply to these products.
*² For each additional category we charge €250 excl. VAT charged.